Telecom Talks 2025 ONLINE
Apr 10, 07:00
-Apr 10, 19:00
(UTC-08:00) America/Los_Angeles
MatchMaker Meetings continue ONLINE for Telecom Talks delegates.
Because Telecom Council’s community of innovation executives and tech scouts is focused on working with startups and new technologies across communications, our annual summit offers an intimate format structured to connect attendees around meaningful dialogue and business conversations. With the technology pitches, executive roundtables, startup case studies, and onsite meetings and networking in the rear view mirror, today focuses on online MatchMaker meetings.
What to expect
Over 250 curated meetings were managed by our MatchMaker service at our last annual meeting, and this year will schedule even more as the meetings will take place both onsite in Silicon Valley and online in the MatchMaker portal. How individual delegates use their 15 minutes depends entirely on the common interests of both parties and ranges from discussions around technical capabilities, commercial propositions, partnership opportunities and everything in between. In 2024, Telecom Council carrier members each met with on average 15 young companies, and in a few cases, these 15 minute meetings precipitated follow-up meetings in our members’ Silicon Valley offices in the same week. Highlighted on the other side of the equation was a Series A startup who secured 11 meetings at the event.
What would you give to have a packed schedule of meetings with global telcos, telecom vendors, and communications investors, who have reviewed your proposition and want to learn more? Then, what more value would you get when they followup in the subsequent 3 days by introducing you to their commercial/technical team? If you’re working on a product or solution that’s going to change the way people and companies communicate, you need to be at Telecom Talks.
How to Get Involved
REGISTER HERE and add the MatchMaker when you register for unlimited video meetings on April 10th. Sponsor opportunities may still be available, contact council@telecomcouncil.com.